Friday 8 January 2010

Funny funny video asains are MAD people.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Promoting your blog

Search engine optimization is where you optimise your website to be ranked high in search engines like google, yahoo and msn there are other methods to get instant traffic but the in long run search engine optimization is the best bet to concentrate on.

Want to learn about instant traffic methods here

Search engine optimization

First thing to do is submit your website to the search engines for free here

It takes a time to be ranked in the search engines like Google and Yahoo it depends how much effort you put in. You would get high amount of traffic from search engines imagine your website is about used cars, the term "used cars" is searched 2,740,000 times a month, that is a lot of potential visits to your website.

Link building determines how many links are incoming to your site, the more incoming links the higher page rank you get this is the most important aspect of SEO. The easiest and fastest way is to buy them. Don't forget - to get in the top ten results in Google could take up to a 2 - 8 months but this method really speeds things up - buy links here

Submitting to directories is a manual and good way to get more incoming links to your website. How it works is, you sign up to each directory below and put in your website's name, description and link. Make sure the information you input is of good rich content so the Google Robots will crawl it and find it interesting, With each one is a good quality link going
to your website.

Other methods to increase the incoming links is to sign up to internet forums which allows you to add a signature make sure the signature is of good rich content.

Example - New and used cars here for sale bmw, audi, vw, vauxhall plus much more

Search engines crawl these types of forums and you get some good quality links back to your website. How the forum works is - you have discussions,could be about anything, games, movies, internet but each post you do is a potential link to your website. Another good way to increase links is submitting to articles such as articlecity, ezinearticles and goarticles make sure you link back to your website, once these articles have been indexed in the search engines you have again more links and a higher page rank to your website. Want to submit multiple articles fast - Automatic article submitter Also another way to increase links and traffic is to your blog is social network sites i.e facebook, faceparty, digg, myspace and all you do is create a profile and add your link there, but the best social network site is twitter (follow me) everybody who has got a blog or website use twitter. How it works is you get followers and just say you have 1000 followers every time you post a status everyone of those followers gets your post, so add link to your blog or an affiliate link to each status and they get indexed into the search engines for another incoming link plus a potential visitor. By the way don't wait until the search engines find you, you submit to them, this website is great I use it all the time. You can submit to search engines check your incoming links plus lots more and its totally free

So don't forget incoming links is the most important thing to concentrate on for SEO. Keep doing the above as much as you can. Another factor of your blog being successful is adding meta tags to your blog it helps the search engine spiders find your blog quicker and get a higher page rank. A Meta tag is hidden text placed into the html section of blogger and the meta tag consists of a title, description and keywords.n xml:lang="en-us" lang="en-us">Stamp Collecting </span>World

To create your own one - Click Here

Once you have created your meta tag copy and paste it into your html page "under the layout tab on blogger" you copy and paste it after the HEAD section in your html page. 

Now I have covered the basic aspects of getting indexed in the top search engines keep at it and your blog will eventually be at the top just do not give in that is how 90% of people do not make money online.

Thanks for reading for more information on making money online -


Monetizing A Blog

Here is the fun bit, this is how you make money with your blog there are two major and popular ways to monetize your blog.

Click bank.

Click bank is a website where you get paid for promoting other peoples products, you earn a commission on each product you sell and you get up to 75% commission on each product. So if you promote a product that is 100 pounds you would get 75 pounds each time you sell it. You can make a lot of money through click bank if you select the right products. First sign up to Clickbank and create an account, go to the marketplace tab and search for whatever you would like to promote. So when you are in the marketplace tab select a category, and sort by high gravity then below will show all the website's you can promote, once you have checked a few out and find the one you like click create hoplink. Once the other screen has popped up type in your click bank nickname and get your affiliate link created, now everyone who clicks that link will go through your account and if they buy the product you get the commission. Now you have the link copy and paste it onto your website there are couple of methods on how to do this you can copy and paste it into the main content of your website or if you go to the layout section of blogger, you can click add gadget button and click links there you can add multiple links there. Now you have successfully added click bank to your website at least now that is one way to make money with your website and now I will show you the second way.

Google Adsense.

How it works is you put a maximum of 3 adsense adverts on your website and every time someone clicks on the ad you get paid. No one really understands how much you get paid because it is down to adsense themselves, people buy those adverts using adwords pay per click (Pay per click explained on instant traffic page) and the adverts are then put on your website and you get a percentage of how much he/she bought that advert for i.e 5p, 10p all way to up 10 pound that's per click. So you can make a lot of money using adsense so now you know the basics to Click here and set up an account.

Now you have set up your adsense account, login and copy your adsense i.d number in the top right of the website then go to and the monetize tab and paste your i.d number in there. Now go to the layout tab, add gadget, and add the google adsense unit pick which colour and type you want (make sure it blends with your website) and click save.

Thanks for reading for more information on making money online -

How to Create the perfect blog

Right before you start think of a good and interesting topic, try and pick a unique but popular one, if too many people have the same website as you then it will be harder to be ranked high in the search engines to check if it is a popular used topic try the free keyword tool.

How it works is you search for a keyword and see if it is searched a lot but not too popular that is a main key to your success.

Also when picking your keywords for your blog use the same method as shown above, lets create your blog.

a) Go to and create an account.

b) Click create blog, name your blog and pick an blog address.

c) Select a template - don't forget this is your blog, style it the way you want to. (or upload a free template visit here)

Now you have created your blog have a look around the website it is very easy to do this and the principle is very simple.

Learning the TABS.

Posting - The posting tab on the website this is where you create your main content of your website, there you type all the information you want about the topic you have chosen for your blog.

Settings - You don't use these tab very much only to add or change the title and description of your blog and the publishing section here is a very important aspect of creating your blog by creating your own website domain.

(optional) Change it from to your own domain name its better for promoting your website.

Layout - This is the main part you use here is where you can add all different kind of gadgets (Widgets) but you will have to try and add different widgets your self, different things work for different blogs but you can add under the gadgets section. Also you can edit or view the html page.

Monetize - Here you add your Adsense I.D number, I will explain it properly on monetizing your blog page.

Fonts and colours - This is where you can change your font and colours of your website, make sure your blog is eye catching and interesting because 95% of people visiting your website will scan for about 3 seconds if it does not catch their eye you have lost a poptenial customer, it is a very important aspect of your website.

Adding Photographs. - If you want to add photos to your blog this is really easy once you have the photo on your computer then go to the layout tab on blogger, click add gadget and then picture a new pop up would open and then upload your image.

Uploading Your own Free Template. - First go here and pick a free template once you have picked it download the file to your pc desktop. Then go to and go to the layout tab, edit html page and find the file to in the search box and then upload it.

Thanks for reading for more information on making money online -

Get paid to play video games.

Yes thats right, get paid to play video games is it really that true? well if you dont believe me then check there website out because it states you can make $150 a day playing video games and drinking soda. They explain it all -

Click here

Thanks for reading for more information on making money online -

Fap turbo - Money making robot

This is a great computer program and how it works is it analyzes the stock market and automatically buys and sells stocks for you, it is well known over the internet and completly safe if you want to check out there website for more information. The thing is this website is so confident that you will make money they offer a full money back guarantee no questions asked.

Click here

Thanks for reading for more information on making money online -

Paid to fill in surveys.

This website is pretty simple as well, all you do is sign up to there website and you get paid to fill in surveys here you can make some serious money you get about $5 to 75$ per survey, Participate in online focus groups $50 to $150 per hour. Get paid to watch new movie trailors $4 to $25 per hour, so this website is great the only thing is you have to pay for there services.

Sign up

Paid to click.

How paid to click works is you sign up to there website for free and you click an advert and you get paid about 1 cent, i know the money is very small but its free and it takes about 5 minutes a day, it is really that simple so why not sign up here below.

Sign up here.