Tuesday 5 January 2010

Monetizing A Blog

Here is the fun bit, this is how you make money with your blog there are two major and popular ways to monetize your blog.

Click bank.

Click bank is a website where you get paid for promoting other peoples products, you earn a commission on each product you sell and you get up to 75% commission on each product. So if you promote a product that is 100 pounds you would get 75 pounds each time you sell it. You can make a lot of money through click bank if you select the right products. First sign up to Clickbank and create an account, go to the marketplace tab and search for whatever you would like to promote. So when you are in the marketplace tab select a category, and sort by high gravity then below will show all the website's you can promote, once you have checked a few out and find the one you like click create hoplink. Once the other screen has popped up type in your click bank nickname and get your affiliate link created, now everyone who clicks that link will go through your account and if they buy the product you get the commission. Now you have the link copy and paste it onto your website there are couple of methods on how to do this you can copy and paste it into the main content of your website or if you go to the layout section of blogger, you can click add gadget button and click links there you can add multiple links there. Now you have successfully added click bank to your website at least now that is one way to make money with your website and now I will show you the second way.

Google Adsense.

How it works is you put a maximum of 3 adsense adverts on your website and every time someone clicks on the ad you get paid. No one really understands how much you get paid because it is down to adsense themselves, people buy those adverts using adwords pay per click (Pay per click explained on instant traffic page) and the adverts are then put on your website and you get a percentage of how much he/she bought that advert for i.e 5p, 10p all way to up 10 pound that's per click. So you can make a lot of money using adsense so now you know the basics to Click here and set up an account.

Now you have set up your adsense account, login and copy your adsense i.d number in the top right of the website then go to blogger.com and the monetize tab and paste your i.d number in there. Now go to the layout tab, add gadget, and add the google adsense unit pick which colour and type you want (make sure it blends with your website) and click save.

Thanks for reading for more information on making money online - www.blog2success.co.uk


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